
Max. width 2,400 km

Surface area 3,862,000 km2 

Max. depth 4,652 m

The Arabian Sea also known as Bahr al-Arab is a region of the Indian Ocean on the north with Pakistan and Iran, on the south with northe astern Somalia, on the east with India and on the west with the Arabian Peninsula. Some of the ancient names of Arabian Sea were Sindhu Sagar, Akhzar Sea, Persian Sea, Sindhu Sagar, Erythraean Sea,and Sindh Sea. The biggest river flowing into the Sea is the Indus River.

The countries with coastlines on the Arabian Sea are Pakistan, India, Iran, Oman Somalia, Djibouti, Yemen, and Maldives. There are several large cities connected to Arabian Sea coast including Karachi, Gwadar, Pasni, Ormara, Aden, Muscat, Mumbai.

The Arabian Sea's surface area is about 3,862,000 km2. 

The maximum width of the Sea is approximately 2,400 km
Its maximum depth is 4,652 metres.  

The Arabian Sea has two important branches the Gulf of Aden in the southwest, connecting with the Red Sea through the strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, and the Gulf of Oman to the northwest, connecting with the Persian Gulf. There are also the gulfs of Cambay and Kutch on the Indian coast.

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